John Carter is captive (again!) of the barbarous Black Pirates:

Carter leaps onto the airship, beheading(!) Kranor. Phaidor spots another pirate warship approaching. But luckily for them, its not not a foe--it's Tars Tarkas!
John is of course happy to see his friend, but even happier to see who else is aboard--Dejah Thoris!
John is of course happy to see his friend, but even happier to see who else is aboard--Dejah Thoris!

...The End, for now!
This concludes John Carter's run in Weird Worlds. Carter and co. would resurface in DC's Tarzan Family book a few years later, which we'll look at tomorrow!
This concludes John Carter's run in Weird Worlds. Carter and co. would resurface in DC's Tarzan Family book a few years later, which we'll look at tomorrow!
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