Things aren't looking good for Dejah Thoris and Kantos:

They make their way to the nursery, but the battle is fierce there, too. Tardos and Dejah unsheathe their swords and jump into the fray, but the sheer number of Guild assassins begin to overwhelm them.
Where the heck is John Carter?!? Oh, here:

...to be continued!
This issue has a letters page (rechristened "Welcome Back, Carter"), but Marvel really doesn't get into why the book so was canceled so abruptly, only to have it return two months later. Instead, if features a summary of the whole "Master Assassin of Mars" storyline. Odd...
This issue has a letters page (rechristened "Welcome Back, Carter"), but Marvel really doesn't get into why the book so was canceled so abruptly, only to have it return two months later. Instead, if features a summary of the whole "Master Assassin of Mars" storyline. Odd...
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