Marvel's final issue of John Carter, Warlord of Mars in any form opens with John Carter not in battle (for once), but working alongside his fellow citizens of Helium:

Meanwhile, back in Helium, Dejah Thoris is worried that her beloved John Carter has been gone so long.
For his part, John Carter is indulging in wine, women, and song--mostly the first two. But all the fun is interrupted when a gong is struck, which signals an attack by a horde of giant bat-like creatures descending from the sky!
Carter, of course, is not afraid of anyone, and he unsheathes his sword, jumping straight into the sky, hacking away. Not used to facing any sort of resistance, the creatures flutter away after they see some of their number felled by John Carter.
Carter is welcomed to a massive, orgiastic display that is meant as a tribute to their god. Carter, still under the effect of his captors' will-bending perfume and lip paint, finds himself forced to be part of the ceremony.
A gang of the women truss Carter to a wall, and they reveal that the ambush he saw in the desert was all staged for his benefit, designed to bring him to them--so he can be their sacrifice!:
For his part, John Carter is indulging in wine, women, and song--mostly the first two. But all the fun is interrupted when a gong is struck, which signals an attack by a horde of giant bat-like creatures descending from the sky!
Carter, of course, is not afraid of anyone, and he unsheathes his sword, jumping straight into the sky, hacking away. Not used to facing any sort of resistance, the creatures flutter away after they see some of their number felled by John Carter.
Carter is welcomed to a massive, orgiastic display that is meant as a tribute to their god. Carter, still under the effect of his captors' will-bending perfume and lip paint, finds himself forced to be part of the ceremony.
A gang of the women truss Carter to a wall, and they reveal that the ambush he saw in the desert was all staged for his benefit, designed to bring him to them--so he can be their sacrifice!:

Dejah Thoris fights her way through the crowd, and the commotion makes it way to the altar where Carter is still chained.
As she tries to get closer to her beloved John Carter, Tars Tarkas is occupied fighting off another attack by the bat creatures. Dejah is on her own.
Dejah slices her way through the throng, until she is face-to-face with Klys:
As she tries to get closer to her beloved John Carter, Tars Tarkas is occupied fighting off another attack by the bat creatures. Dejah is on her own.
Dejah slices her way through the throng, until she is face-to-face with Klys:

...The End!
Kind of an odd way to go out, with an annual that doesn't bear any relation to the main storyline(s) that ran in the main book for almost its entire duration. Still, its nice for the last image we have of Marvel's John Carter and Dejah Thoris is them in each other's arms.
So where do we go next? Well, we go back in time just a few years, and take a look at the Distinguished Competition's version of ERB's Warlord of Mars. So come back in one week, May 15th, when we'll start off with Tarzan #207!
Kind of an odd way to go out, with an annual that doesn't bear any relation to the main storyline(s) that ran in the main book for almost its entire duration. Still, its nice for the last image we have of Marvel's John Carter and Dejah Thoris is them in each other's arms.
So where do we go next? Well, we go back in time just a few years, and take a look at the Distinguished Competition's version of ERB's Warlord of Mars. So come back in one week, May 15th, when we'll start off with Tarzan #207!
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